Religion in Saudi Arabia, from Exploitation to Relinquishment !!

Religion in Saudi Arabia, from Exploitation to Relinquishment!

For decades,the House of Saud's (Saudi) regime was thought to have been the guardian of Islam by virtue that Mecca and Madina (Muslim's holy places) are under its control. Also, the regime's hosting of prominent Muslim scholars and its facilitation (and sometimes encouragement) of congregations that relate to Islamic knowledge; all of the factors, as mentioned above, have cumulatively contributed to the formation of a false conception about the Saudi regime among Muslims worldwide.

However, since the beginning of his reign as a crown prince in 2017; after his father's (king) disposal of the last Crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman (current crown prince) has initiated the implementation of several procedures that aim to westernize the masses of the kingdom, which in turn have been known for their adherence to the conservative Islamic teachings. Among the manifestations of the governmentally-sponsored, deliberate westernization proceedures was the organization of parties and concerts. Not only that, but the government founded a new institution/entity that takes charge of organizing such events, and even inviting famous western celebrities. Besides, the government has recently started to build so-called "halal discos" according to its media. It's also worth mentioning that the "guardian of Islam" has allocated a budget from which it spends generously for celebrities and discos, instead of providing additional support for the needy Muslims worldwide to fulfill their basic needs. Despite the difference and dispute among different ideologies, there's consensus in interpretation among all regarding the newly arising Saudi phenomena. It's interpreted as an evident, desperate attempt to please western nations, which were unpleasant that the spread of Islamic knowledge and discipline has contributed to the emergence of movements that call for the disposal of western influence from the Muslim world (e.g. Salafist Jihadists). These new Saudi policies aroused confusion among Muslims in general, as they've thought the Saudi regime to be the guardian of Islam. In this article, we'll review some historical events to refute that conception, showing how the religion was not guarded but exploited. 

MBS: The Rise of a Saudi Prince - The New York Times

---- Woman Driving : 
During the regime's prevention of women's' driving in the past, it had exploited the religion by ordering some so-called scholars that are close to the it to justify the decision and legitimize it. However, when permitting women to drive, some of those so-called scholars explained the new decision saying it's Islamically acceptable.

---- Afghan and Chechenian wars
The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was a point at which Saudi-American relations notably consolidated. As the Saudi government assisted the Americans in their conflict against the Communist camp. That was done by the Governmental encouragement of Saudi youth to participate in war with the Afghans out of Muslim brotherhood. Also, the government has provided the Afghan with considerable amounts and types of weapons. All of that- of course - was under American supervision and was met by American satisfaction.

---- The battle of "Rawdat Mahna."
It's a battle in which Abdulaziz Al-Saud (founder of Saudi) fought "ibn Al-Rasheed" (ruler of Al-Qaseem). The son of Saud's action occurred according to the British vission of eradicating Ottoman presence from the Arabian Peninsula, as "ibn Al- Rasheed" was allied with the Ottoman state. It's worth mentioning that the Ottomans are credited for maintaining Muslim unity for centuries. Abdulaziz Al-Saud was financially supported and rewarded, and supplied with weaponry by the British. Regarding the financial support, Al-Saud alleged to his retinue and the general public that it was a tax paid to him by the "infidels" (Jezya).

By: Mohammed Al-Ansari


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