Oppressed Uighurs in China

Oppressed Uighurs in China 

Outstanding numbers of Muslims in China are being held at concentration camps as we speak this moment. The Chinese Muslim community is very diminutive and is considered a minority in China. We are discussing Uighurs Muslims, who are considered a minority in a multicultural region. The number of detainees is unknown, as the actual number remains shielded by the Chinese communist party. Patrick DeHaan wrote an article indicating that more than 1 million Chinese Muslims are held at the concentration camps. It is not a certified estimation, but this shows the infinite numbers of detainees. 

Many wonder about what have these Uigurs Muslims have done to be placed in camps. Well, the answer is surprisingly nothing besides taking part in the religion of Islam. Since the vast majority of Chinese citizens are traditionally Han Chinese and follow the Buddhist religion, Islam is a minority religion in china that is frowned upon by the government and the people.

There are a purpose and an outcome for everything done. In this case, the Chinese communist party is trying to exterminate any other possibilities that can lead to their falling. This is maybe outrageous and an unreasonable conclusion. But by eradicating all different types of communities in China, they can be confident that China will remain culturally and ideologically Han Chinese. Furthermore, there will not be the continuance of odd philosophies and faiths surfacing that can likewise cause a change in the current Chinese culture.

On the other side of this conflict, the Uighurs Muslims are placed in concentration camps for being Muslims. As bizarre as that sound, the issue is focused on what is going on in these camps. The Chinese communist party is exterminating the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, culture, etc. of the Uighurs. They are brainwashed, indoctrinated, and treated with no basic human decency. That is happening by forcing the detainees to do things that are prohibited in Islam, such as the consumption of intoxicants and pork, committing adultery, etc. If the detainees refuse to do such a thing, they are brutally beaten, battered, and punished in wicked ways. Also, they are forced to leave Islam, learn certain Asian songs and languages. A story of an ethnic Kazakh, Orynbek Koksybekm, who spent several months in hidden concentration camps in China, says, “My hands were handcuffed, my legs were tied. They threw me in a pit. I raised both my hands and looked above. At that moment, they poured water. I screamed.” Keep in mind that this is just one moment of the time he spent in the camps. Treatments of the Uighurs Muslims stated in this article are just a glimpse of the unknown. Imagine living in such circumstances. There are leaked graphic images exposing the situations in the camps.

What is the world doing to help the Uighurs people, especially significant organizations designated for issues like the United Nations and first-world nations such as the United States? First off, the president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, has recently approved the Uighurs concentration camps and supports the crackdown on them. He reasoned that he had to keep out the camp’s discussion to land a major deal with China and couldn’t add additional sanctions. Therefore, the United States president prefers and prioritizes economics over helping to grant helpless Uighurs their most basic human rights. Additionally, the United Nations haven’t done anything remarkable to protect Uighurs Muslims.

The world needs to stand up together and help the Uighurs; this is a matter of urgency. This matter can not be stressed enough. 

In my opinion, the only solution there is is to boycott any interactions with China. That may be economically dangerous, but by cutting interactions with China, they will feel the pressure and disband these camps. Furthermore, bordering countries should start granting Uighurs the opportunity to become refugees. By implementing that, the world can have one less community in distress. 

By: Abdelrahman Hussein


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