Annexation of Palestine

Annexation of Palestine

Palestinian territories have been under Israeli control since 1976. It has been decades of replacement and death of Palestinians. After WWII in 1947, the United Nations passed resolution 181, granting 55% of historical Palestine to a Jewish State and 45% to the Palestinians. 

But the plan was never implemented on the ground. Soon on in 1948, the British mandate expired, which then triggered the first Arab-Israeli war, which led the Zionists to expel around 750,000 Palestinians and then captures 78% of historical Palestine. This led to Palestinians only having the West Bank and Gaza as Palestinian territories. Which even then, the Israelis still have control over those areas. Including 140 checkpoints in West Bank, severely limiting the Palestinian movement. 

1948 Nakba
Palestinians, carrying possessions on their heads, flee from a village in Galilee (1948) / Getty Images.

According to the map that Netanyahu presented in 2019, Israeli annexation will comprise 95% of Jordan Valley, which is at least 22% of the West Bank. Israelis use the term "applying Israeli sovereignty" over the areas they have annexed. 

The annexation means Israel would be surrounding the West Bank. This would also mean that the Palestinians can no longer have a Palestinian State as Jordan Valley is their only international border. In addition to that, the Israelis would be cutting off the water and agriculture resources, which is their primary source of income,e considering farming in Jordan Valley makes up 50% of the agriculture in the West Bank. The annexation would also mean the Israelis speeding up the construction of settlements. Settlements are the territories that are considered to be "Israeli land." 

Under International Law, the act of annexation and territorial conquest is Illegal. The only country in the world that does not consider the occupation of Palestine a violation of International Law in the US. The President of the United States of American Donald Trump's conceptual map would allow the Israelis to have 85% control and Palestinians only 15 % of historical Palestine. The annexation is expected to happen on July 10 or 15, 2020.

This is an urgent matter that will happen in the case of days. This needs all countries to stand together against the annexation. Governments need to start acting rather than stating they don't support the occupation. This is an Arab State with Islam history, and it cannot fall into Jewish hands. It is the home of 3 million Palestinians. There are already 1.5 million Palestinians who are in refugee camps. The Arab countries have the most significant role out of all nations to protect the remaining Palestinian land. 

It is up to all of us to help the Palestinians who cannot help themselves.

Written by: Sara El-Sallabi


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